Level 3: "Wine Defects - Textures and Mouthfeel"

Level 3: "Wine Defects - Textures and Mouthfeel"

Level 3 focuses on aromatic molecules responsible for the major defects that occur in wine such as Acetaldehyde, Geosmin, Vinyl-4-guaiacol (Brettanomyces), Ethyl-4-phenol (Brettanomyces), IBMP, Trichloroanisol, 2-Amino-acetophenone, Ethyl acetate, Methionol, etc. The seminar offers to study the major wine faults: volatile acidity, ripening fault, premature ageing of whites and reds, reduction chemicals, cork taint, earthy and mushroom characters, lack of hygiene, Brettanomyces, fermentations, etc., and the mechanisms of synergy that connect all of these molecules when presented together.

Level 3 focuses as well on structuring of the wine tasting, the balance of the wine, the textures and the mouthfeel.
The seminar will end with a wine tasting.

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