Don’t settle. You can be healthy, active, and energized for life.

Aging doesn’t have to slow you down. I can help you identify what’s off so you have the clarity to optimize your energy levels, metabolism, hormones, and brain health to keep up with your active lifestyle.

Not quite yourself? What’s causing it?

Have you been told to slow down and just take it easy? Don’t listen.

Let me know if any of this sounds familiar. 

You approach your doctor, best friend, mom, whoever, because something feels off. 

You’re asking things like: 

Are my hormones out of whack? 

Am I near menopause?

Am I depressed? 

Why do I keep getting injured?

What’s making me feel like this?

This doesn’t feel like me. 

But the response you get is more like a punch in the gut than anything else: 

You’re just getting older. Your labs look just fine. It’s normal to feel tired, lose strength, and forget things.

Maybe you’re even told to take up a new hobby.

And while you may nod your head yes, inside you’re thinking, “HECK no. There’s no way I’m going to stop being active.” 

Good. That means we’ve got something in common. 

Because here’s the reality I base everything on around here: 

Yes, everyone ages. But let’s get one thing clear: aging doesn’t have to slow you down. Or get in the way of your dreams. 

You have a say in how you age.

If you’ve been told “your labs are normal” but you feel far from your best…

You’re not alone. I understand the frustration, confusion, and feelings of betrayal by your own body. 

I believe there are clues in your symptoms and labs… if time and focus are applied to connect the dots.

This is why I don’t settle for the generic lab ranges set by a population that’s average.

If you’re here, you aren’t dreaming of an average future.

You want to live an exceptional above average life.

Perhaps you’re training to hike a big mountain, run a marathon or compete in a triathlon.

Whatever your goal may be – to optimize your health you have to step out of the conventional model of medicine.

I’m here to help guide you in your journey – from connecting symptoms to lab values as well as identifying what to explore further.

Think of me as a health concierge – I help you gain clarity and connect you with resources to optimize your health.

I provide a 1:1 customized experience that larger lab ordering companies are unable to provide.

No cookie cutter lab offerings, memberships or commitments.

Just 1:1 time for troubleshooting and questions with a doc who loves teaching clients how to read their own labs and optimize their health.

I enjoy working with clients who don’t go to the doctor often yet every so often look for direction.

Second opinions are always welcome.

You can bring labs you’ve already have or determine what’s best to give you the most information possible for optimizing your health.

Because you are more than your labs working with me includes assessment of the 5 common aging accelerators along with a comprehensive lab review.

Let me introduce you to the aging accelerators…

While things like exercise, restful sleep, and a wholesome diet protect you from accelerated aging… The 5 aging accelerators do the opposite: they add fuel to the aging wildfire, wreaking havoc on your hormones, energy levels, and quality of life.

These 5 Aging Accelerators are:



Metabolic dysfunction

Microbiome imbalance

Insulin resistance

For each of my clients I advise on real, science-backed protocols to effectively combat your aging accelerators.

Then as a concierge would do, I connect you with the information, tools, protocols or programs needed to optimize your health.

You’re busy and would rather be out adventuring versus spending time searching for solutions – I completely understand!

Save time and work with someone who will take the time to learn about you so she can connect you with the best person, product or program to fit your needs.  

You may be thinking: 

Hang on…are you talking about a visit with a doctor who will look at every aspect of my life, review all my labs with me and help me gain clarity with the next steps to optimize my health?

Yes! That’s EXACTLY what I’m talking about. 

No recommendations for handfuls of supplements, tons of lab tests or vague instructions to “just take it easy.” 

Just answers to your questions. And real solutions to optimize your health and put your aging accelerators in check. 

So you can get back to being you at your best. 

Hi. I’m Dr Jannine Krause.

But you can call me Dr. J.

I’m a naturopathic doctor, acupuncturist, gardener, hard-core dog lover and host of The Health Fix podcast.

I’m dedicated to helping you take control of how you age. 

With my health concierge practice, 460+ podcast episodes, and 17+ years in clinical practice, I’ve guided hundreds of women who want to reinvigorate their health and slow down the aging process–no fillers, facelifts, or crash diets required. 

Let me tell you from experience, being told, “It’s time to slow down. This is normal for your age,” is defeating and flat-out wrong

That’s why I’m passionate about helping you restore your body’s natural ability to create energy, rev up your metabolism, and balance your hormones, by helping you connect your symptoms to what’s showing up on your labs. 

Despite what modern medicine may have you thinking…

…You do have control over how well you age. You can get stronger as you get older!

And you don’t have to be a celebrity or win the genetic jackpot to do this!

So… are you ready to figure out what’s got you off your game?

Getting started is easy. Just click the button below to hop on a 15 min call to see how I can help.

Let’s team up

Here’s what it looks like to work together (and take control of how you age!)

Step 1


We’ll hop on a 15 min call so I can learn how I can help you – $49

Step 2


I’ll order some lab tests to zero in on what’s going on with your health, review the labs you already have and make recommendations for deeper analysis if needed – cost based on if labs need to be ordered

Step 3


We’ll review your lab results and I’ll create a game plan with tools, protocols, products and possible programs for your big comeback.

Step 4


Depending on your individual game plan I may recommend 3-6-9 or 12 month lab follow ups to keep tabs on your health optimization. Three optimization packages are available: Reset $300, Rebalance $750, Reimagine $1500.

What other women are saying:

  • My husband and I first met with Dr. Krause in 2021, following two years of trying to conceive another baby and 3 devastating losses.

    Prior to meeting Dr. J, we were told everything was normal and there were no other tests to run. They suggested we either try again or be referred for IVF. That is when I reached out to Dr. J.

    During our first visit, she listened and identified a handful of possible areas to test and address to get on the path to feeling healed and whole again.

    Fast forward 18 months, I am overwhelmed with gratitude to be able to share that we have a healthy baby girl.

    Dr. J checked in frequently during my pregnancy and I was blown away by her support.

    I cannot speak highly enough about her passion and care she devotes to her patients.

    Kara“I was blown away by her support”
  • I’ve never experienced what medical attention should be like until I received care from Dr. J.  She spends time with you, treats you like a human being, and takes a holistic approach to patient care.
    Prior to seeing Dr. J, I experienced frequent aches and pains throughout my body. I also often felt sluggish and short of breath during my workouts and would get lightheaded often.Dr. J’s refreshing approach helped eliminate all the challenges I was facing. She discovered and quickly addressed my low testosterone levels, low energy. and digestive struggles. Her treatment had an immediate impact on my energy, strength, and overall performance.

    I’m beyond thankful for the care that I’ve received from Dr. J.  Her compassion, attentiveness, and personal care has allowed me to perform at high levels throughout my CrossFit and Olympic Weightlifting journey.

    Amanda“her treatment had an immediate impact”
  • After seeing Dr. J, I found out that my hormones were ALL over the place… and I kind of had a feeling that was the case, but you don’t really know, because typical doctors just don’t do this kind of testing. 

    I wasn’t sleeping. I wasn’t losing weight. I was depressed. I was frustrated.

    And I didn’t realize how much this was all connected to how whacky my hormones were. That knowledge and awareness are SO important.

    Working with Dr. J. helped me rebalance my hormones and get back to living and enjoying my life.

    Nancy“typical doctors just don’t do this kind of testing”

Conditions I can help with…

I love helping active women slow down signs of aging—so they can be fit, independent, and feel confident in their skin. Women who envision themselves moving, playing their favorite sport, hiking, biking and adventuring for life.

Sound like you? 

Here are some of the things I can help you with:

  • Daily fatigue interfering with workouts and adventures
  • Aches, pains or frequent injuries
  • Decline in memory, concentration and focus
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings, PMS, PMDD
  • Peri-menopausal and menopausal women
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Aging skin – fine lines, wrinkles
  • Bio-identical hormones
  • Nutrient deficiencies

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