Shattered Hearts: The Commercial Exploitation of American Indian Women and Girls in Minnesota

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Shattered Hearts: The Commercial Exploitation of American Indian Women and Girls in Minnesota


The topic of this report is the commercial sexual exploitation of American Indian women and girls in Minnesota, including but not limited to sex trafficking. In 2006, the Legislature passed Minnesota Statute section 299A.79 requiring the Commissioner of Public Safety to develop a plan to address current human trafficking and prevent future human trafficking in Minnesota. To develop a comprehensive plan for addressing the complicated issue of trafficking and the needs of trafficking victims, the commissioner created, per Minnesota Statute section 99A.7955, the statewide Minnesota Human Trafficking Task Force. The Task Force‟s charge is to advise the Commissioner on the statewide trafficking assessment and on thecommissioner‟s plan to address human trafficking and prevent future trafficking in Minnesota, assisting in two statutory actions:

  • Collect, share, and compile trafficking data among government agencies to assess the nature and extent of trafficking in Minnesota

  • Analyze the collected data to develop a plan to address and prevent human trafficking1

    Each year, the Minnesota Office of Justice Programs and the Minnesota Human Trafficking Task Force, with input from organizations providing services to trafficked individuals, produces an annual report to the Minnesota Legislature and provides training on identifying trafficking victims, methods for prosecuting traffickers, methods for protecting the rights of trafficking victims, and methods for promoting the safety of trafficking victims.

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